The Academic Quality & Accreditation Unit was established in 2012-2013. The unit is meant for improving the performance of the university academically & administratively through the implementation of plans, programs, activities & scholarly events related to the development of academic programs, skill, teaching skills & research capabilities and community service for faculty members. The unit is also in charge of developing academic & administrative skills, leadership & abilities of the academicians & administrative leaders of the university through the implementation of teaching-based programmes, workshops, and other science-related events. In addition to that, the unit is in charge of: assessing the institutional performance at the university, preparing the enforcement manuals of the academic accreditation standards & assurance of quality education in the university.

 The Organizational Structure of the Academic Development & Quality Assurance Unit:
The organisational structure of the unit is as follows:
1. Board of Directors.
2. Manager.
3. Deputy Director.
4. Director of the Department of Administrative & Financial Affairs.
5. Director of the Department of Secretariat & Documentation.
6. Head Department of Quality & Academic Accreditation.
7. Head Department of Educational curricula & Learning Resources.
8. Head of Training & Capacity Development.

Detailed Objecives  Programs/Activities  Impementation Responsibility  Time Frame (Months) Performance Indicators Estimated Cost 
-5 -1 -9
8 4 12
The first strategic objective is to promote a culture of quality & accreditation among all university employees.
Educating university employees about the importance of quality & academic accreditation, its concepts, components, systems & networks. The Week of Quality Program at the University Quality unit + A consultant The Week of Quality Program Documents (3 days * 4 hours) * 3
  Issuing leaflets and, pamphlets; & distributing them to Colleges & Departments at the university Quality unit 3 pamphlets + 3 brochures  
  Conducting periodic seminars & hosting experts of Quality & leaders to give lectures about Quality Quality Unit + Quality Consultant   (Documents of two seminars + Participants  
  Regular quarterly meetings with the media (Journalistic Reportage & Televised Interviews) Quality Unit + Media Man     Journalistic Reportage (1)
Al-Jumhuriya Newspaper + recording of a video episode (TV channel)
  Preparing for the issuance of a semi-annual scientific Journal specialized in the field of quality Quality unit     Authoritative decision for Journal Publication + Dcuments related to the journal   
Introducing the roles of the university councils, leaders, faculty members, administrators, technicians, & all employees about the importance of doing their roles to help the university achieve quality. Conducting a workshop & an open panel discussion about the roles of the various group of university employees in achieving Quality Quality unit + university leadership + quality experts     Workshop documents & panel discussion + names of participants  
Second Strategic Objective: Building the institutional frameworks & strengthening the capabilities necessary to establish a quality assurance system at the university
Detailed Objecives  Programs/Activities  Impementation Responsibility  Time Frame (Months) Performance Indicators Estimated Cost 
-5 -1 -9
8 4 12
Setting up the annual plan of Quality at the university level. Setting up the annual plan of Quality by the Quality & Academic Accreditation Unit at the university Quality Unit     The annual plan document for Quality at the university  
Assisting the faculties & departments of the university in setting their strategic plans. Organizing two training workshops on setting up the strategic plan for colleges & scientific departments at the university Quality Unit + consultant in strategic planning   Consultant contract + number of participants + documenting two workshops+ Assessment Report  
Coordinating with Colleges & Departments, & providing them with technical expertise, & active participation to help assist in preparing strategic plans at the level of university colleges & scientific departments. Quality Unit+ Colleges' Leadership Coordination and participation reports    -Strategic Plan              -Documents in University Colleges and Scientific Departments  
Follow-up & technical support to the affiliated faculties & departments to help them set up their strategic plans effectively. Quality Unit   Follow-up & support reports on the implementation of strategic plans in colleges & scientific departments  
Enhancing the capabilities of the Quality Unit to ensure the development of an effective quality system at the university Preparing a manual for Quality Assurance system of academic programs at the university, including:   -Mechanisms for evaluating academic programmes
- Setting Evaluation tools for academic programs
- Self-evaluation documents and reports forms
- Establishment of a quality committee at the University
Quality unit + technical assistance from the Accreditation Council     Copy of the manual
Decision to form quality committees
  Setting up a training programme on quality for academic, technical and administrative staff working at the university.
Implementation of 3 training workshops for the Quality Committee and administrative staff working in the University's units, including:
- Self-assessment
- Accreditation criteria and performance indicators
- Project preparation skills for donor funding.
Quality unit + technical assistance from the Accreditation Council   Training Programme Document               Contracts (3) Trainers + Training Workshop Documents Lists of Participants in Training Workshops             Assessment Report   
The third strategic objective: activating the quality system at the university & qualifying its faculties & scientific programs to obtain academic accreditation
Detailed Objecives  Programs/Activities  Impementation Responsibility  Time Frame (Months) Performance Indicators Estimated Cost 
-5 -1 -9
8 4 12
Assisting colleges & scientific departments in the university to implement academic accreditation standards Conducting workshops on accreditation st&ards & performance indicators Conducting workshops (2) for teams of university faculties & scientific departments to determine & apply  Quality & Accreditation st&ards related to academic programs Quality unit   Workshop Documents (2)+
List of participants +
Calendar report
Assisting the faculties university & scientific departments to complete the specifications documents for the existing academic programs & the courses they include. Conducting training workshops (2) for teams describing academic programs in university faculties & scientific departments, including:
Preparing learning outcomes
Descripting academic programmes
Course descriptions
Learning outcomes Assessment plan
Quality unit + council support + training experts   Contracts (2) for training experts + training workshop documents
The list of the participants
Assessment report
  -Follow-up & support teams characterizing academic programs & courses in the  faculties & scientific departments Quality unit Follow-up & support reports  
Assisting university faculties & scientific departments in preparing self-evaluation documents for their academic programs in accordance with quality st&ards & academic accreditation. Conducting a workshop on self-evaluation of academic programmes. Quality unit + technical support from the council + training experts     Contracts (1) trainer + workshop documents
Follow-up reports
Self-review files
Calendar report
The Fourth Strategic Objective: Developing the capacities of faculty members, technicians, & administrators affiliated with the university
Detailed Objecives  Programs/Activities  Impementation Responsibility  Time Frame (Months) Performance Indicators Estimated Cost 
-5 -1 -9
8 4 12
Continuous professional development of faculty members in the university's faculties & scientific departments Conducting training workshops (3) in teaching skills for faculty members in colleges & scientific centers, including:
Effective teaching
Teaching to large groups
University education technologies
- Assessment of student learning & preparation of tests
Quality unit + technical support from the Accreditation Council + training experts Trainers Contracts (3) + training workshop documents
Lists of workshop participants
Calendar report
Continuous professional development of technicians in scientific colleges & departments Conducting training workshops (2) for technicians in the faculties & scientific departments, including:
Laboratories & laboratories Quality system
- Management of laboratories & laboratories
Safety & security in laboratories
Quality unit + training experts   Trainers Contracts (2) + training workshop documents
Lists of participants
Assessment report
  Conducting training workshops (2) for administrative staff at the university, including:
- Total Quality Management
- Quality system of services supporting the teaching & learning process.
Quality unit + training experts   Trainers Contracts (2) + training workshop documents +
Lists of participants
Assessment report


The Academic Development & Quality Assurance  Unit performs the following tasks & purviews:
1. Preparing draft regulations necessary for organising the performance of each unit.
2. Setting the necessary plans for programs assessment in university colleges & improving them to ensure that they keep pace with scientific advancement in the various fields of knowledge & to serve the plans & goals of development in the Republic of Yemen.
3. Suggesting systems, standards & mechanisms necessary for program self-assessment.
4. Setting the foundations & mechanisms for curricula improvement & evaluation.
5. Preparing a basic database for faculty members & their assistants at the university to determine their training needs.
6. Organizing courses & workshops to improve the teaching skills of faculty members & their assistants.
7. Improving the educational process & the performance of faculty members & their assistants.
8. Organizing courses & workshops to develop administrative skills for academic leaders.
9. Supervising the issuance of the university & college manual in coordination with the relevant authorities.
10. Contributing and participating in providing academic and educational solutions and opinions.
11. Developing cooperation & exchanging experience with other relevant scientific centres & institutions in Yemeni, Arabic & foreign universities.
12. Performing any other tasks assigned to the unit by the university president.

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