
Leadership and excellence at the local and regional levels in providing educational research services that meet the needs of the community,and achieve quality standards and academic accreditation.


The mission of the Marketing Program at the College of Business Administration - Al-Saeed University is to qualify the department’s students cognitively, practically, through providing outstanding education that helps students gain the experience and skills that qualify them for practical life , completing their postgraduate studies, and providing an opportunity for students to conduct qualitative research related to problems and excellence in Yemeni reality.


The marketing program aims to achieve the following objectives:

1- Qualifying students theoretically and practically in marketing and providing them with the necessary skills in line with the philosophy of the modern marketing concept in organizations, whatever the nature of their work.

2. -Students’ mastery of the processes of preparing, implementing, and oversight of various marketing plans.

3-  Developing students’ skills and abilities to plan, implement and control sales operations.

4-  Enriching students’ knowledge of the local market and how to provide the most appropriate marketing mix.

5- Students are able to develop effective communication plans that include advertising campaigns, public relations, etc.

6- Developing scientific research skills and its applications in the field of marketing.

7- Qualifying marketing students by increasing their opportunities to work in the fields of commercial teaching, public relations management, research management, and planning management in various ministries , government and private institutions.

Graduates' Areas of Work:

- Sales manager or sales employee in any industrial, commercial or service enterprise.

- Procurement Manager or Purchasing Department officer.

- Store manager or storekeeper

- Commercial Manager in industrial, commercial and service establishments.

- Managing import and export enterprices regardless of the goods imported or exported.

- A successful businessman in various fields.

- Marketing Researcher (Market Research, Commodity Research, Consumer Research, Service Research).

- Director of publicity and advertising institutions.

- Management of SMEs.

Marketing Program Description:

 Targeted Scientific Outputs of the program:

A- Knowledge and Understanding

1- Knowing the foundations and principles of marketing in public and private institutions.

2- Knowing the effects of partial and total marketing environment on organizations and how to adapt to them.

3- Increase the ability to deal with the marketing mix according to labor market requirements.

B- Intellectual Abilities

1- Developing skills, marketing problems analysis capabilities.

2- Using quantitative methods in making marketing decisions.

3- Ability to identify the relationships between environmental variables and marketing strategies.

C- Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Providing an appropriate learning environment that encourages creativity and innovation.

2- Developing computer skills.

3- Using methods and case studies to overcome the most important marketing problems and find solutions for them.     

D - General Skills:

1- Employing marketing principles to serve the organizations' marketing plan.

2- Encouraging interaction between the student and the marketing environment.

3 - Familiarity with the foundations and principles related of marketing management.

 Study Plan

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Taiz, Yemen, Box : 4999

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