The Center of Research and Strategic Studies was established according to the University President’s resolution No. (25) issued on May 23, 2017.
The speech of the director of the center
The Center of  Research and Strategic Studies is an important tool in the development of national and global thought and creativity. It is in the interest of mankind, and the development of society alike. The centre focuses on the civil society institutions, expanding relations between different countries to help reinforce peace, coexistence, community reconciliation and exchange experiences.
Because the research centers are the focus of attention of the developed and intellectual countries, the studies carried out by the Center are technical, administrative, humanitarian, educational, engineering, strategic, etc. The center also anticipates the problems before their  occurrences, prepare to curb then, and prevent their occurrence as well. Thus, the center of strategic studies perform the functions of early warning, preparing for the future & controlling it, and adapting to fluctuations of our time.  Consequently, interest in the role of these centers has increased to reinforce decision-making, policy-making, and various strategies. From this standpoint, Al-Saeed University in Taiz City has been keen on consolidating the foundations of the contemporary university for global trends. The Center of  Strategic Studies and  Research was established according to University President resolution  No. (25) dated May 23, 2017 AD to achieve a number of goals. Furthermmore, the purpose of establishing this center is to care about scientific research, social, economic, political and development studies, international relations, security and issues that concern Yemen/neighbouring countries & may affect their future according to the best of our level and to achieve the pioneering role of Al-Saeed University.
The vision of the center
The high quality research excellence, and competitiveness on the local, regional and international level represents the vision of the Center of the  Research and Strategic Studies at Al-Saeed University.
The Mission of the Center
The Center of the  Research and Strategic Studies at Al-Saeed University seeks to provide research consultations, scientific activities, courses and events related to development and community issues through knowledge enhancement, digital transformation, benefiting from information and communication technology, and real community partnership to sponsor and support applied scientific research that serves Community and local development by distinguished staff.
The Goal of the Center:
1. Conducting research and scientific studies in the technical, economic, administrative, social and human fields in light of the general policies of Al-Saeed University, the center's policy and research plans.
2. Supporting scientific research activities, graduation projects, and honoring distinguished and creative people, in a way that contributes to the formation of a generation of highly competitive researchers.
3. Contributing the development of scientific research by updating the topics taught in faculties and departments, and suggesting new topics or vocabulary for the development of scientific research in the university.
4. Providing research and advisory services to official, governmental and private bodies and institutions.
5. Providing detailed information that serves the comprehensive development process of the university and society in order to achieve the unity of the objectives of scientific research and the stated mission of the university.
6. Holding seminars, purposeful lectures, scientific conferences, and joint specialized workshops inside and outside the university to activate the scientific, intellectual, cultural and creative movement.
7. Participating in developing the university's performance, ensuring the quality of its outputs, and disseminating strategic thinking in order to achieve the university's vision, mission, and functions in education, scientific research, and community service.
Initiative- community partnership- credibility, professionalism- commitment- teamwork- Quality Assurance- Creativity and Innovation- Permanent Excellence- Development and Continuous Improvement. 
The center performs the following activities: Issuing scientific journals- conducting research, human studies, and applied studies - consultations -free seats- business and technology incubators- panel discussions- workshops- seminars- conferences- scientific lectures- translation and publication- scientific reports and periodicals.
The tasks of the center are as listed below:
• Activating the research function of the university through (feasibility study, research consultations – full-fledged study seats).
• Collecting information, studies, reports, and statistical surveys that achieve the goals of the center and the mission of the university.
• Analyzing reality and conducting public opinion polls and field surveys approved by the university, and providing a future vision for the advancement of the university to a better level.
• Joint bilateral scientific cooperation with corresponding institutions and other research centers in Yemen, Arab and international universities and institutes.
• Establishing a translation and scientific publishing unit.
• Issuing the university book in accordance with the standards and conditions.
• Issuing the specialized journal of Al-Saeed University.
• Establishing a network of relationships with the corresponding research centers.
• Employing graduation projects for students to serve the community and Hayel Saeed Ana’am Group (HSA).
• Preparing for scientific conferences.
• Holding seminars, workshops, lectures, and trainings for faculty members.
• Organizing events, scientific activities, and panel discussions in various disciplines.
• Monitoring events and events related to the university.
• Bilateral scientific cooperation between the university, economic institutions and community service.
• Publishing studies and research that corresponds to the vision of the centers and the university.
• Carrying out basic, applied, procedural, survey and economic research in various fields and working to support and publish them.
• Presenting plans and strategies based on scientific foundations to the concerned parties, be that individuals or institutions.
• Analyzing and evaluating reality and presenting a future vision for the advancement of the university.
• Representing the university in international, Arab and local forums.
Contact Information
 Al-Saeed University in Taiz - the university's administrative building.
 Office of the Director of the Center for Research and Strategic Studies.
 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Tel: 00967736147550

Al-Saeed Univeristy

Taiz, Yemen, Box : 4999

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