. Vision

The program aims to prepare a graduate who achieves moderation, balance, competitiveness, quality and excellence locally and regionally.

Department Mission

The program seeks to prepare a graduate who meets the needs of the labor market in the field of advocacy, guidance and education, and the ability to conduct relevant research and studies, and serve the community according to competitive standards and academic quality assurance.


The department seeks to achieve the following objectives:

Providing students with basic information and skills in the field of the Holy Quran and its sciences.

Developing the student’s skills in analysis, evaluation, and distinguishing between what is correct and what is incorrect, and sound critical thinking based on moderation, balance, and tolerance.

Developing the student’s skills in dealing with different heritage sources.

Participating in solving problems and conflicts and working as a team.

Preparing the student to enable him to contribute and participate in all scientific and cultural activities.

Develop computer skills as well as communication skills with others.

Qualifying a student who is proficient in his field of specialization, able to communicate with others and convey what he has learned to them. Qualifying a student who is able to keep up with the times, and acquire the skills necessary to access information, document it, and benefit from it.

Preparing the student in a way that qualifies him to be able to deal with the sources of Islamic heritage and benefit from them: creating a comprehensive, balanced message capable of highlighting the sublime teachings of Islam.

Graduates' Areas of Work:

1 Teaching , working in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (institutes, schools, universities).

2 - Permit work in the field of endowments, and guidance in all its departments.

3- Working in the Ministry of Culture and Information.

Study plan

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Al-Saeed Univeristy

Taiz, Yemen, Box : 4999

Tel : 04271558/60 , Fax : 04271564

Email : info@alsaeeduni.edu.ye