
To become a pioneer in education and training in the field of medical laboratory sciences, scientific research, and competitive with its counterparts in local and regional universities.


Graduating qualified cadres in the field of medical laboratory sciences, who possess knowledge, concepts, skills and are endowed with good scientific ethics, by providing a university environment that stimulates creativity in the fields of applied medical scientific research.

The Program’s Relationship to the University’s Mission:

The Medical Laboratories Program is one of the programs offered by the college and the university. Therefore, the vision, mission, and goals of the department are consistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the college in leadership and excellence to qualify a generation capable of keeping pace with every development to serve its community.


1- Achieving a high level of education that prepares qualified cadres in the field of medical laboratory sciences to contribute effectively to serving their community.

2. Contributing knowledge to medical sciences specializations at the local and regional levels.

3- Training students in the fields of scientific research and motivating them to pursue postgraduate studies in an encouraging scientific environment to work.

4. Renivation and keeping pace with changes, and cooperation within teams with different medical specialties.

Information About the Program:

Program Name:

Bachelor's degree in medical laboratories.

Total credit hours to complete the program.

134 hours distributed over 8 semesters.

The qualification (certificate) that the student obtains upon completion of the program.

Bachelor of Medical Laboratories, four years.

Professions or jobs for which the student is qualified:

1- Managing private laboratories.

2- Work in government and private hospitals.

3- Working in various government medical departments.

4- Working in control units and quality control in the relevant laboratories.

5- Working as a researcher in any field of medical laboratory sciences.

6 - University lecturer for theoretical and practical parts.

Study plan

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Al-Saeed Univeristy

Taiz, Yemen, Box : 4999

Tel : 04271558/60 , Fax : 04271564

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