From a modest start in a small rural village named Qarth, about 35 km south of Yemen-Taiz, HAS Group has become one of the most important family businesses in the Arab region. The HAS Group was founded in 1938 by a group of the late brothers (Mohammed Saeed Anam, Abdou Saeed Anam, Hayel Saeed Anam, & Jazem Saeed Anam) who are descendants of the late Saeed Anam- May they rest in peace.
Since its inception, the HSA Group has been striving to provide the finest products to its customers while continuing to grow & develop through the search for new attractive investment opportunities that may expand the base of the group business activities in the economies of different countries, & create an added value from which individuals & societies take the advantage. The industrious arm of the Group located in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Kenya & other countries manufactures many high-quality products, most of which are consumer products & goods essential for daily use.
HSA Group is multidimensional; it invests in various business activities & many economic sectors as multinational companies distributed worldwide. Since its foundation, the Group's vision has been characterised by the principle of equilibrium & diversity of its investment portfolio. As a result, its pillars of solid construction are deeply rooted, which is, in turn, reflected in the diversity of its products & the ability to provide them over various countries of the world.
The Core Business Activities of the Group:
The commercial, manufacturing & service activities are the main pillars of the Group's business continuation & growth. Manufacturing activities (e.g., cooking oil production, dairy products, biscuit products, confectionery, flour mills, sugar refining, carton production, printing & packaging services, cement production, …etc.) contribute regionally & globally to the marketing of the Group's name. As a result, the exports of fast-moving consumer goods came to exist in different countries, reflecting the excellence & the acceptance of the product. Likewise, Al-Saeed University is one of the Group's institutions that we aspire to achieve leadership & excellence at the local & regional levels.
The Group's official website: