From a modest start in a small rural village named Qarth, about 35 km south of Yemen-Taiz, HAS Group has become one of the most important family businesses in the Arab region. The HAS Group was founded in 1938 by a group of the late brothers (Mohammed Saeed Anam, Abdou Saeed Anam, Hayel Saeed Anam, & Jazem Saeed Anam) who are descendants of the late Saeed Anam- May they rest in peace.

Since its inception, the HSA Group has been striving to provide the finest products to its customers while continuing to grow & develop through the search for new attractive investment opportunities that may expand the base of the group business activities in the economies of different countries, & create an added value from which individuals & societies take the advantage. The industrious arm of the Group located in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Kenya & other countries manufactures many high-quality products, most of which are consumer products & goods essential for daily use.

HSA Group is multidimensional; it invests in various business activities & many economic sectors as multinational companies distributed worldwide. Since its foundation, the Group's vision has been characterised by the principle of equilibrium & diversity of its investment portfolio. As a result, its pillars of solid construction are deeply rooted, which is, in turn, reflected in the diversity of its products & the ability to provide them over various countries of the world.

The Core Business Activities of the Group:
The commercial, manufacturing & service activities are the main pillars of the Group's business continuation & growth. Manufacturing activities (e.g., cooking oil production, dairy products, biscuit products, confectionery, flour mills, sugar refining, carton production, printing & packaging services, cement production, …etc.) contribute regionally & globally to the marketing of the Group's name. As a result, the exports of fast-moving consumer goods came to exist in different countries, reflecting the excellence & the acceptance of the product. Likewise, Al-Saeed University is one of the Group's institutions that we aspire to achieve leadership & excellence at the local & regional levels.

The Group's official website:






الجامعة في عيون زائريها:


لقد سعدت كثيرا بزيارة جامعة السعيد ومشاهدة من تجهيزات ومعامل وقاعات ترقى أن تتحول الى جامعة كبيرة وعالميا عما قريب وأشكر الأساتذة والموظفين والطلبة على المجهودات التي يبذلونها من أجل رقي العملية التعلمية وبهذه المناسبة أتقدم بالشكر لشركات هائل سعيد أنعم على كل المجهودات التي يقدمونها في كل أنحاء الجمهورية وكذلك في التعليم العام والتعليم العالمي ،مع خالص الشكر .
أ.د. يحي الشعيبي ( وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي السابق )


لقد سررت بزيارة جامعة السعيد الممولة من بيت هائل سعيد أنعم والجامعة جميلة ومزودة بكل الوسائل التعلمية الحديثة ونسأل الله أن يوفق جميع من يعمل في الجامعة بتوفيق والنجاح ..
أ.د. صالح على باصرة ( وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي السابق )


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